Glee Archer

The MS Plus Southern Alps Adventure

My Activity Tracking



Multiple sclerosis is the most common disease of the central nervous system and it strikes young people in the prime of their lives.

There is currently no known cure.

It's quite staggering that multiple sclerosis affects more young people than any other neurological condition, with the average age of diagnosis just 30 years old. Every case of multiple sclerosis is unique – the symptoms, severity and progress of the disease are different for everyone.

So I’m trekking the awe-inspiring landscapes, native bushland and expansive plains, canyons, countryside and coast of Aotearoa, New Zealand’s scenic South Island, to raise funds to deliver essential MS support services and ensure no one faces MS alone.

Please DONATE now to support my trek and give hope to thousands of Australians living with multiple sclerosis.

Thank you for your support.

My Achievements

My Updates

Getting my butt into... gear

Tuesday 30th Jan
Got the nudge today from the tour lead to have my gear sorted out. I of course am having a serious case of imposter syndrome so have been reluctant to tick things off my list but I'm going to have to bite that bullet today!


Saturday 27th Jan
Tomorrow is a big day - I am hosting a BBQ at Bunnings on a long weekend, in gorgeous weather, and at very short notice. I have had people offer to volunteer, and my husband run around today to do all the heavy shopping, and I am overwhelmed with how generous people are being.  

I've done this before - this prepareing for a big event. I've trained for a marathon. I've had two pregnancies and prepared for 2 births. I've done exams, applied for jobs, proposed to my (now) husband, moved house... but I've never done anything this overwhelming and with this much support. People are offering me equipment, and to host events, and to donate items to raffle or auction, and putting up with me doing a lot of deep breathing around them as I realise how BIG this whole trip is going to be.

But everyone who is coming along with me - is here and now with me as well. And I appreciate every single one of them. 

90 days and counting down...

Saturday 20th Jan
The checklists are being made, and items are being ticked off! I now have a medical clearance, hiking boots, and a lot of maps to review. I'm feeling equal parts overwhelmed with the task I've challenged myself for in 2024, and very excited to be showing MS who is in charge here. 

Donations are needed though for my fundraising goal - travel is all self funded so be assured that the money raised goes to supporting people with MS and other neurological disease to get support when they need it most.

175 days to go

Sunday 29th Oct
It's starting to feel a lot more real now. Summer has arrived and by the time it turns cold again, I'll be on my way to Christchurch. 

246 days to go

Sunday 13th Aug
I went for a run/walk today and started composing my packing list. I'm going to need a new bra...

Thank you to my Sponsors




Karen Skelton

You go girl! So proud of you ❤️


Volley Recruit


Andrew Leonard

Inspirational work!


Jennifer Gooley


David Prout


Uncle Kev

Climb those mountains. Looking fwd to the trip photos. All the best from our family to yours.


Danica Liu




Glee Archer


Chris Wainwright



Be proud of your work towards this goal & the positive role model you’re being for others with MS.


Anthea Jane Âû

You are amazing 💜💕


Tori Brookes


Deborah Nightingale


Rebecca Jessop


Heidi F

Good luck 👍

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We show our respect and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are the traditional custodians of this land. We pay respects to their Elders past and present.