• R & M Momro just donated $200.00
  • greg scragg just donated $211.00
  • Julian Trebeck just donated $263.75
  • Benjamin Norris just donated $50.00
  • Jenny Collins just donated $106.12
  • Neil Todd just donated $50.00
  • Tiarnan McCaughan just donated $54.12
  • Andy Caddy just donated $263.75
  • Kelly Zoppa just donated $54.12
  • Ciaran O'Grady just donated $54.12
  • Lions just donated $1500.00
  • Brendan Tremble just donated $54.12
  • Yvonne Treacy just donated $38.33
  • Conor Buckley just donated $54.12
  • John McCormack just donated $50.00
  • Anonymous just donated $300.00
  • Anonymous just donated $52.92
  • Dad just donated $54.12
  • Anonymous just donated $11.65
  • Colin Pettitt just donated $50.00

Design your own physical or personal challenge or register for an existing community fitness event, then get sponsored as you Do It For MS. Add it in, take it out, sign up for it - but whatever you do, Do It For MS!

The funds you raise can do amazing things like enabling our MS Nurse and Social Work Advisors provide free advice to people facing the challenge of living with multiple sclerosis!




From starting a new fitness activity to beating your PB – push your limits to raise vital funds for MS.

Want to do it with others? You can enter yourself in a community fitness event like a marathon, cycle or stair climb.

Want to do it your way? You can choose your activity and km or time duration – do it over a month, a year or even commit to every day – the choice is yours!


Be Fit For MS



Grow it, dye it, chop it, wax it – make a change to your hair to change the lives of Australians living with multiple sclerosis.

From dreadlocks to dye jobs, moustaches to mohawks – do it alone, or as a group, do it with style as you Do It For MS!


Change For MS



Challenge yourself to go without and help people with MS live a life without barriers.

Perhaps you’ll give up a bad habit like sugar, alcohol or caffeine and help yourself kick-start a healthier life. Or go without a favourite activity like gaming, streaming or television.

You set the challenge and the time frame and put your self-control to the test to support people living with multiple sclerosis.


Quit For MS



You can Do It For MS every day by setting yourself a challenge and sticking with it!

From walking the dog, cooking a healthy meal, reading or even blogging – commit to undertaking a set activity every day over your preferred time period.

You could even give it a twist and commit to restricting a habit like screen time. The power is in your hands when you Do It For MS!


Commit For MS

Our MS Advisor program enables experienced nurses and social workers provide free, specialised consultations and advice around multiple sclerosis and related health matters including local support options. Last year 1,407 people sought advice through the MS Advisor program.

By designing your own personal challenge, you can help the MS community access specialised support from a wide range of health professionals to help them navigate their own health challenges.

Your fundraising coach Lauren and our Supporter Engagement Team are here to help you
with everything you need to succeed and reach your fundraising goal to Fight MS

Don’t forget to check out our FAQs for the most common questions,
otherwise please send us a message and we'll be in touch!



We show our respect and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are the traditional custodians of this land. We pay respects to their Elders past and present.